Business Cash Advance (Variable Payment)

A business cash advance is a type of funding based on future revenue. It comes in a few different forms, the most common of which is a merchant cash advance, and might also be known as a revenue loan, a turnover loan, or revenue-based financing. Use our Variable Payment Business Cash Advance calculator to estimate your payments quickly.
Advance Amount
Interest Rate
Factor Rate
Repayment Term
Repayment Term
Repayment Term
Est. Payment
Minimum payment:
Time to Payoff:
Interest paid:

Time in Business

> 6 months

Annual Revenue

> 6 months

Credit Score


Funding Amounts
$5,000 - $1M+
1.15 to 1.60 factor rates*
3 - 24 months
Processing Time
1 to 3 business days
How to Calculate Your Business Cash Advance (Variable Payment)

How to Calculate Your Business Cash Advance (Variable Payment)

A Business Cash Advance (Variable Payment) otherwise known as a Merchant Cash Advance (MCA) is a great financing option for a small business that is looking for immediate funding and repayment terms to align to the business’s cash flow. The business repays the lender's advance with a percentage of its daily credit/debit card sales. With this type of funding, the business makes variable payments rather than fixed payments.. 

Before applying for a cash advance, please utilize the Lendzero Business Cash Advance (Variable Payment) calculator to estimate your potential daily payments. 

Insert the information below into the calculator:

  • Requested amount: You may request an advance upto $750K
  • Holdback %: This number typically ranges between 1% to 25%

Monthly credit/debit sales: Calculate your monthly credit/debit card sales for the last 3 months

How to Use the Business Cash Advance (Variable Payment) Calculator

How to Use the Business Cash Advance (Variable Payment) Calculator

Use our Business Cash Advance (Variable Payment) calculator to estimate the daily payment for a cash advance.

Sample of How to Utilize the Cash Advance Calculator

For example, Tom’s Bakery wants a $150K cash advance for new equipment. Tom applies for an MCA and receives approval for the $150K amount with a 17% holdback and $63K in monthly credit/debit sales.

By entering Tom’s $150K advance amount, 17% holdback and $63K in monthly credit/debit sales into the Business Cash Advance (Variable Payment) calculator, we can see Tom’s estimated daily payment would be$510.

Components of the Business Cash Advance (Variable Payment) Calculator

Components of the Business Cash Advance (Variable Payment) Calculator

The Business Cash Advance (Variable Payment) calculator will show you the estimated amount you’ll need to repay each day. 

To be clear, definitions are below.

  • Requested amount: The desired funding amount
  • Holdback %: This is the previously agreed to percentage of credit/debit card sales that the lender will use to pay back the advance 

Monthly credit/debit sales: This is the average amount of credit/debit card sales for the business

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